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Call to Action!

We are asking each of you to call and/or email these following three questions to the individuals below who have authority and influence over the situation and can help get Clayton home:

Our Questions:

1. Why are children of incarcerated criminals allowed visitation rights and yet the Woolleys whose names have been cleared are still unable to even see Clayton? And why have other family members requests to see Clayton been ignored and or blocked even though these individuals were never accused of anything!

2. Why is the standard so different for Desiree, Claytons mother, to allow her to have Clayton back in her life?

3. District Attorney Jack Thorp stated, "the Woolley’s should be seen as innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law." This means that he should see us as innocent and lead by example, why hasn't he used his authority and influence to reunite them? 

Note: When calling into any of these people, they may say that Clayton is a juvenile matter and that Bill and Lisa's is a criminal matter and are separate issues. This is misleading because the primary charge and argument against Clayton's mother that they used was that Desiree was guilty of "failure to protect". FAILURE TO PROTECT FROM CRIMINALLY ACCUSED, BILL AND LISA WOOLLEY.  

Who to Ask?

District Attorney Jack Thorp

Phone: (918) 485-2119

Judge Elizabeth Brown

Phone: 918–696–7150


Judge Douglas Kirkley

Phone: 918 485-2144

Message: Please leave a message for Judge Kirkley asking that justice be granted to the Woolley family and for Clayton Woolley to be returned to his family. 

Oklahoma Attorney General - Gentner Drummond

Phone: (918) 581-2885
File a complaint to the AG office at


District DHS Director - Leslie Nix

Phone: 918-207-4500

Message: Demand that the DHS charges against the Woolley family be corrected to say “unsubstantiated” in light of all the evidence.

Oklahoma State Governor - Kevin Stitt

Phone: 405.521.2342
File a comment/opinion at the Governor's site:


Woolley's Story Summary

In 2018, Clayton Woolley was taken from his family by DHS in response to false accusations of murder and sexual abuse of the Woolleys youngest grandson. Since that time Bill and Lisa Woolley have been released, all charges have been dropped and according to the most recent statement released by Wagoner County DA Jack Thorpe, there are currently no open investigations. The Woolleys should be treated as innocent until proven guilty. 


Clayton was taken from his family and home in March of 2018. His family, friends, and concerned citizens have engaged from across the State and Nation to be a voice for this little voice whose cries can not be heard. Although somethings may be uncertain, the one thing that is for sure, Claytons family will never stop fighting for him until he is home safe in the arms of his family were he belongs.


We have three questions to publicly ask District Attorney Jack Thorp, Judge Elizabeth Brown and DHS. Since the Woolley family has been continually ignored and robbed of justice.


1. WHY are children of incarcerated criminals allowed visits with their children and yet the Woolleys are not? Why are not any of Claytons relatives that were never accused of anything able to see him? Clayton has made it clear and documents show that he wants his mother and family back and that he has not bonded with his foster placement.


2. Desiree, Claytons mother meets the requirements in the state statutes to have Clayton back in her life. Yet the DHS and courts have put undue pressure and burdens on her to meet other requirements that aren’t statutorily required at all. Why do the vast majority of mothers who have struggled with addiction in Oklahoma able to visit their children by simply passing a drug test that morning And many who have had their children taken away only have to pass a drug test and pass parenting classes? Why is there such a different standard for Desiree especially in the light of DHS is in Family Court professing that they are all about doing all they can to help these mothers be restored to their children?


3. Finally to District Attorney Jack Thorpe; just a few days ago you stated to an investigative reporter that the Woolleys should be treated as innocent by the legal system.(According to legal standards that means restoring all of their liberties and rights.) 


So our question to Jack is, since you profess to believe this and have the statutory authority to petition for Clayton‘s guardianship to be amended, why aren’t you using it to heal and restore this family? You keep directing the Woolley’s to use the legal processes which they have tried five or six times and been blocked or ignored and never given even a hearing when the state statutes require that you wait for none of that before you to use your authority to move toward the restoration of this family that you say should be treated as innocent. There is nothing to stop you from exercising your statutory authority. Why don’t you use it?

Sign Up to Show Support to the Woolley Family & Clayton

We will keep you updated on the status of Clayton.

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